About Spiritual awakening

Hello beautiful souls. Welcome back to the weekly energy forecast for the week of October 3, two to nine. Now we just went through a power week, Mercury just went direct again. So now moving forward to energies are definitely going to lighten up a little bit, the energy will loosen up because now since Mercury went direct again, there's not this intense energy anymore. Now, of course, you still have that two week window now to tie up any loose ends of what you have really completed during Mercury retrograde. And if you're not sure what exactly you were working through, you may tune in to two weeks before Mercury went retrograde to see what was the theme that you were going through, or some of the reoccurring things that you had to deal with or think about or work through. And that was also the key theme that you work through during Mercury retrograde. But now you have those two weeks to still tie up those loose ends, usually is about communication about relationships, and especially that key thing that you will work through during Mercury retrograde. But even though there's now also a breath of fresh air that can be felt the energy is less constricted. Now, I don't know about you, but this Mercury Retrograde season was very intense. And I've heard it from so many Lightworkers that hey, myself included, it was very, very intense that it stretched us it I mean, it was all about September was all about the integration and the alignment to new souls template and Mercury Retrograde was helping us to do so. So it was very intense. But now since Mercury went direct again, you can feel that now this week moving forward this coming week, you can really feel somewhat of a lightness in the air, the energy is less constricted, less heavy, and you can feel like you can find take a breather, okay, it's finally over. So just take that, take that deep breath and allow yourself just to let all that has happened in September, let it all go. So you can really step into your power more, because October brings that forward moving energy and this first week of October is also where you feel more inspired to finally act upon those ideas you had maybe had ideas that you want to act upon, you really really had those ideas and you just wanted to but there was no drive to actually act upon it. Now that was happening a lot last month. And now with this freshness in the air that the new energy of October, there's really that forward movement. So this week, just be prepared that you may really feel that that inner drive to Okay, now it's time to act on it. And I will share with you that card reader here in a moment as well just to give you some more insights into the core energies of this week. But just know that this week is really brings with it that forward moving energy to really inspire you to take action now. And now since we are the beginning of the month, I would like to mention maybe set some intention for the month of what you want to call forth what you want to experience this month because it's a beautiful thing like when you take that time at the beginning of the month to tune in, to maybe check in with your to do list to your desires, your goals, and those kinds of things and just decide what how do you want this month to go? What do you want to experience really set those intentions, because then you have something that you can align yourself with, you can align yourself on a daily basis to those intentions. Okay, so this is like just a quick overview for this week. Like I said, there's definitely a different energy now. But now let's ask the cards to see what do the cards want to share us here you may also tune in with me connect on a deeper level and just open yourself up to receive additional insights as we consult the cards to see what is important for us to know. So just tune in, close your eyes maybe for a moment get centered and open yourself up to receive the guidance. And I asked our team of guides to assist us with this card reading. Do share with us what is most important for us to know for this coming week, the core energies beginning of the week, and even the middle of the week and end up to be okay, so the three cards. So here like I said you may open yourself up for each card just allow yourself to see what your intuition is telling you about each card. So the first card is the eternal light of love.

This is all about coming from love because love is within you love is all around you and love is the highest level frequency that you can tap into. And with everything that has been going on you may feel the tired you should maybe still feel a little wobbly you know with the energy shifting with mercury moving direct, you may still feel a little out of balance. And here the invitation is really to tap into that that inner light of yours and really tap into the energy of love of because when you come from love, when you look at everything, the challenge the obstacles, everything that you're experiencing from the point of view of love, then you will see also the lessons, the messages, the gift, and it will help you to uplevel your frequency. And when you allow yourself to really see the message, the lesson a gift within each situation for one, you will grow from that you will transform from that. And maybe this past month or Mercury Retrograde season was quite challenging for you. And maybe you are feeling having that sense of why you may want to give up or this is not working, maybe doubt is coming up. But here, when you really tap into this, this eternal light of love, it also brings up that sense of trust, trusting in your path, trusting in yourself trusting that, even though maybe you are going through somewhat of a difficult time, or maybe things are not working out the way you want. Or maybe you want to act on those ideas you had, but you just didn't feel called to do that. Just trust that everything happens for a reason everything happens in to your highest and greatest good and everything will help you lead you to the direction or into the direction that you meant to go into. So just look into your life or look into uncover what are those areas in your life that you don't feel in alignment with that don't feel all that great that maybe upset you that are challenging for you. And allow yourself to just send love into the situation. Because when you allow yourself to send love into a situation the situation changes, because you're putting a different energy into that. If you focus on a situation and you're putting so much negative energy in there, whether it's lack of frustration, or fear or doubt or whatnot, well guess what happens it expands your calling more of that for you will not allow in the situation to resolve. So instead, I want to invite you look at those situations and come from love, really send love to that situation, find something to be grateful about this situation. And truly just surrounded with love, like really close your eyes, tune into that situation, tune into the fear the doubt, whatever is coming up for you. And just send love to you may imagine pink light, red light, anything that represents love, just send it to that. And allow yourself to see how the situation can change because you can impact any situation by you just focusing on something different, focusing on the opposite of what you have been focusing on. So that's the update opportunity here is beginning of the week is really to come from love to trust that everything is happening for a reason to your highest and greatest good. And of course, all happens in divine timing, right. But we are you know, just so you know, I mean, we are in a new month. So the energies in October are completely different. And there is that breath of fresh air now coming to so you may still need a couple of days to get used to this new energy especially because when a planet goes retrograde, and then all of a sudden it moves Direct again, well, there is somewhat of an adjustment period again. So just be gentle with yourself go easy, but just know that the energies are definitely shifting, it's not going to be as constricted as challenging as it has been these past few weeks. So just allow yourself to really come from love and interest. Okay, so the second card is the full midweek is receptivity. Basically being open, being open to receive that what is to your highest and greatest good. And here, it may also be certain things that you didn't even think RDRs in grad school did you may have not been available for previously. So here's really just imagine you're opening your arms. Like if you see if you've seen the picture up here, the guy up there has her hands open, right. And there's light coming from above. When you open yourself up like literally open yourself up you can even imagine you opening your arms but and also opening up your energy field. Because when you're calling upon the universe to ask for your desires, like bring me this bring me that I want check here this, I want to manifest that. But energetically, you are just so closed off you're not allowing it. So here I want to invite you to maybe consider or evaluate yourself or just tune in to see where are you not open to receiving what you want. Because if you're asking for something, if you're asking for support, or let's say you're the kind of person that thinks you have to do it all yourself, no one can do it better than you or no one is there to assist you that you trust yourself more than you trust anyone else to do something or whatnot or anything like that where you feel like you have to be in control. You have to be in a driver See, and that you have to handle everything. Whenever you're in that energy, the problem is you're actually closing yourself off to receive support to receive what will help you really break through this or move forward in your life or

just make it through this challenging time that you're in or anything like that. So just says, Where are you actually closed off to support. And the support can mean many different things. Let's say you want to manifest more money, but you want to manifest money just in a specific way, let's say through your job, or your business or anything like that. Or maybe you want to win a lottery, right. But if you're just too focused on one thing, you're closing yourself off to all these other beautiful things, that could bring in more money, because there are infinite ways, infinite possibilities for you to have exactly what you want, and then something even better. But in order to receive that work, we got to be open to that, right. So here, the Midway is all about being open, being open to receive, being open to receive guidance, inside support, the things that you want to call forth, anything and everything that you're asking for anything and everything that you need in the moment, and even the things that you don't even know you need, being open to receiving that. Because in here, it's about when I look at this card, it's not if you're seeing this lady in a bomb, she's sitting there meditating, she's sitting there in quiet, that also is very important in order to be open and receptive. But we also need to slow down, tune in more. If you're wondering, what is your next path? What's your next step? What could you be doing? What do you want to be doing or anything like that, if you're feeling a little off in your life, right now, if you're feeling out of balance, you feel like if you're feeling that something is missing, what order receive insights work, you got to slow down, you got to tune in, and allow yourself to receive and hear meditations a great way to just tune in to Austin, energetically align yourself to your desires. If you're always just busy and constantly distracted by life itself, and by your to dues and your responsibilities and all the things that are happening in your life, what we often are not even open to receiving, what we need, what we want, what we desire, and what is to our highest and greatest good. So here midweek is an invitation just slow down for a little bit. And maybe take time every day to slow down for it. If you're not meditating. Currently, I highly recommend, start meditating. Or take some time each and every day work, you just tune in, you connect with your higher self, you connect with your soul, you connect with that, that inner wisdom that's already within you, and then open yourself up. One of the exercises I like to do is just tuning in closing my eyes, put both hands over my heart. And I'm really imagining I'm opening up my energy field and magnetizing the things that I want. But I'm also opening myself because if you visualize the things that you want to attract that you want to call forth, but you're closed off to receiving it, well, then it's kind of can't come to you, right? So midweek is all about really being receptive to receiving now hear that is also receiving those small things. Let's say someone wants to hold the door open for you. Allow that. And then say thank you without feeling weirded out about or if someone wants to pay maybe lunch for you or, or wants to give you something or anything like that or even just gives you a compliment. Say thank you, thank you, be grateful for that. Allow yourself to receive it, take it and be grateful for it. So just be open to receiving whatever wants to come your way. Okay, so the end of the week is all about inner peace. When you because there is a place within you, where you feel absolutely at peace. It's when you tune in. It's when you connect deeply with that inner part of you, your soul, your higher self, that inner stillness within. It's when you tap into that inner stillness. Like here, there's like that door right the door with his light behind it. And there's so much beauty that can be found within when you allow yourself to just tune in and become quiet, for one is absolutely relaxing. You get back to center, you get back into align with who you are your soul, your higher self.

You also raise your frequency because you're letting go of all that stuff that is actually weighing you down. But then also you open yourself up to insights to guidance to possibilities And oftentimes in our life, we're so busy with everything. And we may forget to just tune in to find that inner peace. And here, it's also looking at your life to uncover what is causing you that inner that inner dissatisfaction, that frustration, the anger, maybe the doubt fears that just you're not feeling all right. That can be situations in your life that could also be your own mindset, your own doubts and fears that are causing an internal disconnect unaware. And when you allow yourself to uncover those things that are really causing you to not feel that inner peace, it is an invitation to look a little closer, what can you do about that? Because when you have the awareness of something is not okay, that something doesn't feel right. Well, guess what you have power, then. Because then you have the power to do something about it. Because with awareness comes the power of choice. When you become aware that let's say there's a person at your job that always just talks negatively is just really toxic. And whenever you talk to that person, you leave them and you just feel absolutely knock yourself you feel not good. Well, that is a sign when you have that awareness, well, then you can do something about you can decide, well, do I want to continue putting myself into that situation where I feel that way? Or what can I do? Well, I could stay away from that person. Or I could just really tune them out or to even tell them, Look, I don't want to talk about this more. Let's drop that. Let's talk about something else. You are responsible for how you feel, if there's something that doesn't feel good, why? Why would you want to continue being in that surrounding? Why would you allow yourself? Or why would you allow someone else to keep you in that energy? Right? So here, focus on what brings you that inner peace, do more of that. And whatever doesn't bring you that inner peace, whatever it brings you the opposite the inner dissatisfaction and frustration, well do something about it. That is so important. Now, because when asked, we're moving forward. Now September was all about that integration to that. And that aligned to new souls template, well, you now need to get used to that newness that new you that you have merged into because of all the things that have happened over these last few months, and especially like mercury, retrograde and eclipses, and it ends September and all of these things and, and Lionsgate and all of those different things all help to really step into a new you emerge into a new you. But now it's up to you to decide what are you available for. And whatever you no longer want to experience just draw the line like I'm not available for this anymore. And it's really strong deadline for that whenever something happens that is not in alignment with what you are available for say, Nope, not doing that. And then shift something, do something differently. Raise the bar on what you're available for. Meaning if you no longer want to experience certain things, just draw the lines in No, I'm not I'm done with this. Don't want this no more. And this can no it doesn't necessarily happen overnight. Okay, so

this is something that is going to be a practice on a daily basis, when you noticing that something doesn't make you feel good, something upsets you something doesn't feel right, well, then each moment that something like that happens, you have a choice that you can make, you can choose to either ignore what you're feeling and just go with it and let it happen all around you. Or you can decide, Nope, don't want that I'm going to stay away from that, or maybe looking at from a different perspective or even telling a person look, I don't want this, I don't like this, stop doing that. Things like that, right, you then have the power to choose what you want. And to really set that set those higher set points of what you're available for. And don't allow anything else that is below that setpoint into your life because it's all about that inner peace What brings you an inner peace. It's about being receptive to receiving what you really want and of course all sudden, you know, coming from love see to seeing love within each situation and trusting. So these are the core energies for the week. I really hope this was helpful to you if it did do me a favor hit the like button. Maybe leave me a comment below let me know. How do you feel about this? Did you even get some insight or even if you have any questions let me know in the comments below. But I also want to mention a video to you that I think would be beneficial to you of how to align yourself to your soul's highest path so you can really live more of a heart centered life The link is in description below. If you feel called to check it out. I think it's going to help you in really aligning yourself that to that really standing in your power. But now moving forward for this week. I really want to invite you are already mentioned at the beginning of this video about setting some intentions for the month but I also want to invite you now that you know about the core energies of this week the key energies of the eternal light of love or receptivity and inner He's set some intentions for this week, maybe do some journaling about what else is coming up for you for about each card, and then set some intentions of what would you like to experience this week, you can maybe set a decide on what is one word that you want to focus on. Whether it's abundance or inner peace or really being open, whatever it is, and make that your mantra for the week really focus upon that word, really embody it and feel it and stay with that word for this week, decide of what you want to experience this week. That's really how you can make the most out of this like really at the beginning of the week. I already get some insight in okay, well what do I want to experience this week and then decide what that is and Plexus raise raised those higher set points, what you are available for, if what you want to experience if that's what you want to experience, make that you know set point that this is all you're available for. Okay, so here you go. I really hope you enjoyed this video. Now be sure to check out his next video here about aligning yourself to your soul's highest path, and I really look forward to seeing your next video. I hope you have a wonderful week ahead. Enjoy the energy and I look forward to seeing you can get a next video until then, make it an amazingly abundant and successful day. Namaste.

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